I've never made pancakes. No, really. My mom used to joke that I could do almost anything with electronics, but once I stepped into the kitchen my brain would short circuit. For some reason I'll play around with a computer until it breaks, but I'm scared to death of the stove!
Well, Justin's been out in the garage a lot lately with his new toys, so after I did some general house cleaning I got to making the pancakes.
The recipe called for:
1/2c(up) mashed banana
1 1/2 t(a)b(le)sp(oon) ground flaxseed
1 egg
2 tbsp almond butter
coconut oil
I don't have coconut oil, but I did just buy some flaxseed oil today, so I used that. I do hope to get some coconut oil, though, since they were a bit too "flaxseed-y".
I'll be honest, seeing as how I've never made pancakes I used WAY too much oil. I dumped half out, and it was still WAY too much. Lesson learned.
So, little bit of oil in a frying pan on low-medium heat, then in a bowl mix up the banana, egg, almond butter, and flaxseed oil. I actually wound up mashing up 2 bananas, using 2 eggs, 4tbsp almond butter, and about 3 tbsp ground flaxseed. I used an electric mixer (hadn't pulled *that* out in awhile!) and some of the banana was still a bit too chunky. Everything else mixed nicely.
I poured the mix into a measuring cup with a lip so it'd be easier to pour into the frying pan (I think I've seen my mom do this many times).
From the cup I poured 3 dollops of mix into the frying pan.
The recipe said to wait one minute and then flip them. I waited 2 minutes and it wasn't nearly enough. The mix was pretty liquidy and non-flippable for quite a few minutes, so the first few didn't come out so well.
Just the two of us...Droid and I
I was getting better, though! I was being more patient letting them really brown on the first side so that I could flip them over. 1 minute definitely wasn't enough for my thickness/batter. I was just giving it a few mins and then flipping back and forth until they seemed done.
Look ma, no (real) bubbles!
OK, now I've got it down.
I wanted to fuel up pretty well for tomorrow, so after eating some of the chunks I put some apple butter on a few pancakes and devoured them. Such a tasty treat. I am really looking forward to breakfast tomorrow!
OMG I just made this recipe (with the coconut oil). SO YUMMY!! Thank you for posting!