Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Paleo-Friendly Cashew Butter Recipe

We bought a bag of raw cashew's at Trader Joe's a few weeks ago, and since we've been mixing up the nuts we eat and have been having a ton of almond butter, I thought I'd try my hand at cashew butter!

I found a few recipes online and put them together. Basically I used about a cup or so of raw cashews, maybe 1-2 tbsp (tablespoons) of Canola Oil, and a pinch or two of sea salt.

I mixed all the above in the food processor and then just ran it until the blades stopped turning.

From there I took a rubber spatula and scraped the sides and mixed it up a little more, then put the lid back on, added a bit more oil, and processed it some more.

Eventually it was done enough in a nut butter-like consistency!

I'm looking forward to dipping my sliced apples in it later today.


  1. I came across your post because I was doing research on Cashews not being Paleo friendly, here's what I found. To my dismay because I do love them, but I'm trying to clean up my diet and rid my body of allergens: Thanks! Love the pictures!

    Cashews are in fact a toxic seed and not a nut at all!

    From Wiki: Although a nut in the culinary sense, in the botanical sense the nut of the cashew is a seed. The seed is surrounded by a double shell containing an allergenic phenolic resin, anacardic acid, a potent skin irritant chemically related to the more well known allergenic oil urushiol which is also a toxin found in the related poison ivy.

    As such the only way to detoxify the seed is to use high temperature, usually steam, which cavemen would not have the inclination to have done, it would have been a wasteful process anyway.

    Any food which requires processing to be otherwise non-toxic is disallowed on the Paleo diet.

  2. Robb Wolff Paleo Weekly shopping list includes cashews among the seeds/nuts you can eat.
